Playful Purple

Whilst in Wales I thought I would make use of the beautiful views as they made great backdrops for my photographs. Had THE bestest time, you can find out more about it here. We made friends with a swan and chased sheep it was bloody great. Anywho, I was feeling in a particularly bright mood so whacked on my purple fur coat.

This fur coat is ace. It was from eBay for a measly £15 which is such a bargain. I really like anything quirky or different and I try to keep my own style. You see some fashion bloggers wearing the same thing as one another and I feel like it's like keeping up with the jones's yet this is not what you'll see from me. Being different is the best!

I also put on my denim skirt which is a staple in my wardrobe, it goes with loads of things that I wear and I really love it. It was dead cheap from Primark so win win situation. As Primark doesn't have an online store I will list similar for you below.

The necklaces are from this lovely shop in Preston called Lovisa. This shop is seriously amazing. It had so many pieces of quirky pretty jewellery that was also bang on trend like unicorn-esque stuff and holographic chokers, lace up chokers etc.. I'm gunna do a haul post about Lovisa as I picked up a lot of stuff from there. Some were gifts to my sister but they were beaut so it'll be great to show you them.

My top is a lace top from Strawberry Moon in Preston. For those of you not from P-town I'll provide links below to similar. It's such a cute top though and I've been wearing it a LOT. Particularly on nights out, it's something that can be worn both casually and for when you wanna paint the town red.

My shoes are ofc my doccers which I regularly wear. I got them for £20 off eBay and I don't think they actually sell these anymore but I found some beaut similar ones that are sooo mermaidy. Links are all below.

Do you like wearing bold colours or is black a staple in your wardrobe?

