If You Go Down To The Woods Today

Today was SUCH a fun day. I can honestly say that taking these pictures was so much fun. When I first looked outside after getting myself all ready to take blog posts, I was a little dismayed when I saw the thick fog lurking all around me. This, however, I believe proved to be a plus as HOW AWESOME DID THESE PICTURES TURN OUT?

I'm feeling really positive about the blog, I feel like I'm making progress and hopefully that the editing and photography skills are coming along too. I also have so many posts lined up for you guys so I'm really excited about that too. I literally cannot wait till I reach 100 followers, that will be a huge milestone for me.

Do you like the blogs new layout? I had it professionally done and I literally cannot recommend Mistery Designs enough! Such an affordable price for a gorgeous custom template design.

As for this outfit of the day post, I tried to remain professional but my personality couldn't help but filter through as you see me giggling and smiling in a few. It really was such fun. As I'm not stick thin and I'm considered as plus size I was quite nervous about having my pictures taken and judging myself too harshly though after this I realised, why should I be ashamed of my size? I may not be like most bloggers but who says that's such a bad thing!

My jacket is faux fur from eBay and only cost £15. What a bargain for a coat? I love this jacket as it really reflects my personality and my love of all things a bit out there and bright. Bet you can't guess my favourite colour?

As for the skirt it's a cheap denim skirt from Primark. As a student, I like to try and not push the boat out too much in terms of price as obviously we don't have a large income so if you're after affordable fashion you're definitely in the right place.

The choker I created myself and the top and tights are just basics from Primark. The hoop earrings I'm wearing are also Primark. You'd never guess that I liked Primark would you?

My purse is River Island and really reflects my mermaid tendencies. It was on sale for £10 which just made it an even better purchase because it's so damn pretty. I actually went into the nail shop later on and asked for a manicure that matched as I love it so much (evidence on instagram).

Last but not least are my doccers. I literally live in these. I got them for a mere £20 off eBay second hand! They're so comfy and literally go with everything.

Thanks for reading my post and your continued support. Do you enjoy wearing bright colours or are you more of a 'all black erryything' king of person?

FUR JACKET - here. | DR MARTENS - similar here. | MERMAID PURSE - SOLD OUT for River Island.