Nail Your Valentine's Day With This Simple Nail Art

With Valentine's day fast approaching, us girls have to get everything in check ready for a date night with the girls or a nice meal with our other halves. Something I personally love to do is be themed - on Valentine's I'll wear something cute with hearts on it or opt for red to really get into the Valentines day spirit. What better way to do this than through a bit of easy nail art? It'll be enough to get you right in the mood for lurrrveee.

Now, what girl doesn't like to have their nails looking good? If you're wanting an easy way to really get nails that stand out then keep on reading gurlll.

To achieve these cutesy Valentine's nails I firstly collected colours I felt fitting for Valentine's - a dreamy dark red, glistening rose gold sent from the glitter gods, a classic nude and a nice hardener/top coat for extra protection (no pun intended loooool). Oh and of course my trusty OPI nail base to keep my nails in good shape and from snapping. Now, of course, you don't need to have any of the same branded polishes to achieve this look, you can use any dark red, nude, glitter, bottom coat and top coat.

To begin, I painted my nails with my OPI base coat. This nail varnish is a really gorgeous one as it provides a great base for painting over. I find it makes my nails look more even. Ensure you let each coat of nail varnish dry fully before you proceed on to the next coat otherwise you'll end up with a mess! 

For the next step I painted all fingers bar my 'pinky' a classic nude, finishing the 'pinky' finger with a dark red. I added a second coat of the same polish to achieve a more desirable and strong colour. 

Once these had fully dried, I began with the nail art. I took one of my small lip brushes that I never use and used it to create a little heart shape at the bottom of my middle nail. This may look difficult however it is actually super easy - just do two strokes in a 'V' like shape. 

For the next nail, I simply painted the tip dark red which involved a simple sweep of the brush along the bottom of the nail.

Last, but not least, I created a heart in the middle of my thumbnail. This was created in exactly the same way as my middle finger. 

After letting everything dry, if needed I added a second coat of dark red on to my nail art to ensure my designs stood out.

To finish I took the rose gold glitter varnish and painted the entire fourth and fifth fingers and accentuated the nail art with it on my first, second and third fingers. I finalised the look with a glossy top coat allowing everything to dry beforehand. 

All in all, this is a really easy look anyone can achieve with a bit of time and patience. So girls, get ready to 'nail your Valentines' this year (again, no pun intended).