So, a couple of days ago I purchased this Makeup Revolution palette. Well, I say purchased but really I got it for free for spending £12 on their products. Initially, I came in just to buy the palette as I had seen it earlier that day and decided I just had to have it and at £8 it was a steal. So, when I returned, to find out that if you spent £12 on MUR products you got a free palette I was ecstatic. This is the kinda thing a poor student with a beauty blog wants to hear.
Anyway, aesthetically for a budget palette I think this palette is stunning. I love the heart of highlight and the eyeshadows around it. The eyeshadow colours are so beautiful and vibrant, I'm really loving the reddish colour.
I tried this palette yesterday after being so desperate to see if it was only just a thing of beauty and didn't actually function well. I can tell you confidently that this didn't disappoint. WOW. Its colours go on to the eyelid with ease and go on as vibrant as they look in the pans. The highlight is also a very beautiful colour and creates a beautiful dewy look.
I couldn't be happier with this palette and I'm so glad I returned to get it! I think it looks so pretty and it's a high performing palette. So for essentially free I got a beautiful looking palette filled with highly pigmented colours and a gorgeous highlighter.
Is this the best budget palette around?