I purchased this concealer quite a while ago hence the fact it has hit the pan terribly ha! This means though, I have plenty of experience with this concealer and can review it for you well.
I suffer from spots and find it so annoying when you do your makeup and it looks fleeky but all you can see is a massive red spot on my chin. When your eye shadow and liner are on fleek you don't want a spot overshadowing this! I therefore had a look at some concealers and decided to get this one.
The consistency is really nice and thick meaning that when it goes on it is pretty industrial and heavy but doesn't look cakey. I hate it when you buy a concealer and it looks super cakey and draws even more attention to the spot!
My skin is really pale so I struggle to find concealers to suit my skin, this however is great and really suits my skin perfectly. The colour of it is '01' and on the packaging it actually claims that it is 'industrial strength concealer'.
Do I agree with this? In some ways yes, like I said it's nice and thick yet creamy and goes over spots well however in others I disagree. I just somehow wanted more from this product, sometimes it doesn't completely cover my spots though it's definitely the best concealer I have ever tried on my hunt for the best concealer!
It's kinda pricey but not too bad as it does go a long way. This has lasted me a long time!
The fact that it's in a pot is a bit annoying, I find it hard to get enough product on my brush. It's annoying trying to get it out of the pot and onto your skin.
All in all, I'd rate this concealer 6.5/10 as it is good, a nice thick yet creamy consistency and ok coverage however I don't quite think it lives up to the 'industrial strength' claims as sometimes my pesky spots still show through.
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